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Ecological farming
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Photovoltaic energy
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Solar energy
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Domingo Jimenez Beltrá in Energy Self-sufficent Farm in Spain
Domingo Jimenez Beltrá in his energy self-sufficient and sustainable farm “El Sol”.
Domingo, who has been the first director of the European Environment Agency, bought and restored an old farmhouse with an area of about two hectares and he has transformed it into a small oasis with hundreds of fruit trees, and all thanks to the use of renewable energy.
The house has several photovoltaic panels producing 12.5 kW and also wind turbine with a 6 kW, which is currently under repair. All the energy produced is poured into the network, although Domingo's obsession is never to consume more than it produces. It also has 22 m2 of solar thermal panels for heating and hot water.
In original language:
Domingo Jimenez Beltra en la Finca autosuficiente el "El Sol"
El sureste de la península ibérica es lo más parecido al desierto africano que puede encontrarse en Europa, con menos de 300 mm de lluvias al año de media y temperaturas que en verano superan regularmente los 40 ºC.
Allí, en la costa murciana, en el municipio de Águilas, Domingo Jiménez Beltrán decidió demostrar que quizás no una sola persona no podía domesticar el clima, pero sí la energía. Domingo, que hace años fue el primer director de la Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente, compró y restauró una vieja casa de labranza con un terreno de menos de dos hectáreas y la ha convertido en un pequeño oasis con cientos de árboles frutales gracias a las energías renovables.
Domingo Jimenez Beltrá in Energy Self-sufficent Farm in Spain
Domingo Jimenez Beltrá in his energy self-sufficient and sustainable farm “El Sol”.
Domingo, who has been the first director of the European Environment Agency, bought and restored an old farmhouse with an area of about two hectares and he has transformed it into a small oasis with hundreds of fruit trees, and all thanks to the renewable energy.
The house has several photovoltaic panels producing 12.5 kW and also wind turbine with a 6 kW, which is currently under repair. All the energy produced is poured into the network, although Domingo's obsession is never to consume more than it produces. It also has 22 m2 of solar thermal panels for heating and hot water. But the main secret in ”El Sol", which is the name of the farmhouse, is its desalination plant.
The house is located about 300 meters from the sea and the well water is too salty for drinking or to be used to water the plants and trees, so the small desalination plant (which has a capacity of 10,000 liters per day) can guarantee the production throughout the year of his fruit trees, which grow oranges, lemon, mango, custard apple, banana.
Beltrá says he wants to prove that energy self-sufficiency is a reality for sectors such as agriculture that demand a lot of water and energy. "If various self-sufficient farms are interconnected between them, we can guarantee a stable and adequate energy supply," he says. "This will be the future and my experience shows that the future is already the present."
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© Pedro Armestre / Greenpeace
3965px × 5948px 5.48 MB
★★★★ (E)